Over the years, there has been a general decline in the reading skills of pupils as well as academic achievement of pupils. Educators and librarians alike blamed “progressive education” and the technological evolution for taking away people’s attention from reading to other digital media. Pupils in Nigeria prefer to spend their leisure time watching football matches and other programmes on television to investing in reading a novel or a book. In a study carried out on the reading habits of primary school pupils by James (2009) in Kaduna State showed that more than half of the pupils reading fewer than four books a year. Okebukola (2004) affirms that, through reading, humans have the tools to transmit knowledge to each succeeding generation; it allows one to listen to the wisdom and people of the ages. He asserts that every child must become fully competent in reading to succeed in school and discharged responsibilities as a citizen of a democratic society. Reading is the foundation of much enjoyment in life and is closely related to vocational efficiency. Pupils and employees in every field must read to keep abreast of what is happening in their fields. They must rely on written or digital words to convey information and data.
Instructional media are vital for the achievement of educational objectives. Generally, they provide varieties of learning experiences, make learning fun, interesting and motivating. For pupils in primary schools, instructional media are particularly useful in the provision of concrete referents which the learners are not capable of generating on their own. In spite of the importance of media in instruction, there are many problems militating against their use in public primary schools. These include, unavailability and inaccessibility of media, non-existence of Education Resources’ Centers (ERC), incompetence of teachers, large classes, lack of facilities, centralized funding and media acquisition arrangements. Based on the above statement, the researcher seeks to find out the utilization of instructional materials are used in the teaching of reading to primary schools pupils in Kanam Local Government Area of Plateau State.
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